Product Details

R902097145 A10VO45DFR1/31L-VRC62K01-SO277 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump

Brand Name Rexroth
Model Number R902097145 A10VO45DFR1/31L-VRC62K01-SO277
Min.Order Quantity 1 pcs
Price Negotiable

Product Features


##Parts Table 1## R902097145 A10VO45DFR1/31L-VRC62K01-SO277 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump

Retainer Plate30 mm67 mm23 mm23 mm
Valve Plates4026100 mm4,890
Seal Kit For Hyd Pump30 mm45 mm2,49 kN0.6 mm
The Thrust Plate160 mm270 mm1038 kN109 mm
Spindle60 mm110 mm66 kN10 mm
Housings Casings320 mm480 mm74 mm74 mm
Bushing Spring25 mm47 mm52100 chrome steel, or equivalent12 mm
Spacer30 mm5.85 kN19.5 kN23.8 mm
Ball Joint15,000 rpm2626 mm4,890
Bearing Plate5.88 Hz0.41 HzC3110
Bearings45 mm100 mm67 mm36 mm
Regulator40 °179 kNS022501,55 Kg
Swash Plate Assemblies80 mm140 mm26 mm26 mm
Cylinder Blocks7136309100,40.05.85 kN


R902101409 A10VO140DRG/31R-VSD62N00-SO808 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpVoltage:Precision Ball Bearings; Case volume:0.0; Power:NTN; Maximum Torque:N/A; Maximum rotational speed:31171531; Weight (approx.):0.9; Pressurefree Operation:B04270; Rotary stiffness:Open; Determining Operating Characteristics:ABEC 7 | ISO P4; Drive Speed:Steel; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1 (Single); Maximum Volume Flow:25 Degree; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Light; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1 Rib Outer Ring; Control Fluid Drain:Phenolic; Flow:Ball Bearing; Load Pressure:Universal; Moment of inertia rotary group:Yes; Nominal Resistance:Metric; Pilot Pressure:Single Row | Angular Contact | High Precision | 52100 Vacuum Degassed Ball; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:85MM Bore; 130MM Outside Diameter; 22MM Width; Open Enclosure; ABEC 7 | ISO P4 Precision; Steel Ball Material; 1; Torque:5.118 Inch | 130 Millimeter; d:3.346 Inch | 85 Millimeter; B:0.866 Inch | 22 Millimeter; bore diameter:85 mm; radial dynamic load capacity:58000 N; outside diameter:130 mm; radial static load capacity:56000 N; overall width:22 mm; operating temperature range:-40 to 120 ºC; contact angle:25 °; cage material:Phenolic; row type & fill slot:Single-Row Non-Fill Slot; maximum rpm:15000 rpm; bore type:Round; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; precision rating:ISO Class 4; snap ring included:Without Snap Ring; fillet radius:1.1 mm; bearing material:High Carbon Chrome Steel; manufacturer product page:Click here;
R902092905 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpPower:Precision Ball Bearings; Flow:0.0; Nominal Resistance:NTN; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:N/A; Drive Speed:31171531; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.9; Weight (approx.):B04270; Rotary stiffness:Open; Drive Power:ABEC 7 | ISO P4; Maximum angular acceleration:Steel; Maximum Torque:1 (Single); Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:25 Degree; Rate Of Pressure Change:Light; Moment of inertia rotary group:1 Rib Outer Ring; Case volume:Phenolic; Control Fluid Drain:Ball Bearing; Pilot Pressure:Universal; Load Pressure:Yes; Pressurefree Operation:Metric; Maximum Volume Flow:Single Row | Angular Contact | High Precision | 52100 Vacuum Degassed Ball; Voltage:85MM Bore; 130MM Outside Diameter; 22MM Width; Open Enclosure; ABEC 7 | ISO P4 Precision; Steel Ball Material; 1; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):5.118 Inch | 130 Millimeter; d:3.346 Inch | 85 Millimeter; B:0.866 Inch | 22 Millimeter; bore diameter:85 mm; radial dynamic load capacity:58000 N; outside diameter:130 mm; radial static load capacity:56000 N; overall width:22 mm; operating temperature range:-40 to 120 ºC; contact angle:25 °; cage material:Phenolic; row type & fill slot:Single-Row Non-Fill Slot; maximum rpm:15000 rpm; bore type:Round; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; precision rating:ISO Class 4; snap ring included:Without Snap Ring; fillet radius:1.1 mm; bearing material:High Carbon Chrome Steel; manufacturer product page:Click here;
R902092779 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD61N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpVoltage:Precision Ball Bearings; Torque:0.0; Control Pressure Measurement:NTN; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:N/A; Determining Operating Characteristics:31171531; Nominal Resistance:0.9; Power:B04270; Maximum angular acceleration:Open; Moment of inertia rotary group:ABEC 7 | ISO P4; Drive Power:Steel; Rotary stiffness:1 (Single); Pressurefree Operation:25 Degree; Sequence Valve:Light; Case volume:1 Rib Outer Ring; Pilot Pressure:Phenolic; Maximum rotational speed:Ball Bearing; Flow:Universal; Drive Speed:Yes; Maximum Volume Flow:Metric; Control Fluid Drain:Single Row | Angular Contact | High Precision | 52100 Vacuum Degassed Ball; Load Pressure:85MM Bore; 130MM Outside Diameter; 22MM Width; Open Enclosure; ABEC 7 | ISO P4 Precision; Steel Ball Material; 1; Rate Of Pressure Change:5.118 Inch | 130 Millimeter; d:3.346 Inch | 85 Millimeter; B:0.866 Inch | 22 Millimeter; bore diameter:85 mm; radial dynamic load capacity:58000 N; outside diameter:130 mm; radial static load capacity:56000 N; overall width:22 mm; operating temperature range:-40 to 120 ºC; contact angle:25 °; cage material:Phenolic; row type & fill slot:Single-Row Non-Fill Slot; maximum rpm:15000 rpm; bore type:Round; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; precision rating:ISO Class 4; snap ring included:Without Snap Ring; fillet radius:1.1 mm; bearing material:High Carbon Chrome Steel; manufacturer product page:Click here;
R902092829 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62K02-SO808 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpControl Fluid Drain:Precision Ball Bearings; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.0; Drive Power:NTN; Pressurefree Operation:N/A; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:31171531; Flow:0.9; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):B04270; Voltage:Open; Power:ABEC 7 | ISO P4; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Steel; Pilot Pressure:1 (Single); Rate Of Pressure Change:25 Degree; Torque:Light; Rotary stiffness:1 Rib Outer Ring; Maximum Volume Flow:Phenolic; Maximum rotational speed:Ball Bearing; Maximum Torque:Universal; Sequence Valve:Yes; Case volume:Metric; Weight (approx.):Single Row | Angular Contact | High Precision | 52100 Vacuum Degassed Ball; Nominal Resistance:85MM Bore; 130MM Outside Diameter; 22MM Width; Open Enclosure; ABEC 7 | ISO P4 Precision; Steel Ball Material; 1; Moment of inertia rotary group:5.118 Inch | 130 Millimeter; d:3.346 Inch | 85 Millimeter; B:0.866 Inch | 22 Millimeter; bore diameter:85 mm; radial dynamic load capacity:58000 N; outside diameter:130 mm; radial static load capacity:56000 N; overall width:22 mm; operating temperature range:-40 to 120 ºC; contact angle:25 °; cage material:Phenolic; row type & fill slot:Single-Row Non-Fill Slot; maximum rpm:15000 rpm; bore type:Round; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; precision rating:ISO Class 4; snap ring included:Without Snap Ring; fillet radius:1.1 mm; bearing material:High Carbon Chrome Steel; manufacturer product page:Click here;
R909611019 A10VO140DRG/31R-VSD62K17-SO808 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpControl Fluid Drain:Precision Ball Bearings; Voltage:0.0; Weight (approx.):NTN; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:N/A; Rotary stiffness:31171531; Maximum rotational speed:0.9; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:B04270; Drive Speed:Open; Maximum angular acceleration:ABEC 7 | ISO P4; Rate Of Pressure Change:Steel; Pilot Pressure:1 (Single); Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):25 Degree; Flow:Light; Torque:1 Rib Outer Ring; Power:Phenolic; Maximum Torque:Ball Bearing; Pressurefree Operation:Universal; Determining Operating Characteristics:Yes; Sequence Valve:Metric; Case volume:Single Row | Angular Contact | High Precision | 52100 Vacuum Degassed Ball; Nominal Resistance:85MM Bore; 130MM Outside Diameter; 22MM Width; Open Enclosure; ABEC 7 | ISO P4 Precision; Steel Ball Material; 1; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:5.118 Inch | 130 Millimeter; d:3.346 Inch | 85 Millimeter; B:0.866 Inch | 22 Millimeter; bore diameter:85 mm; radial dynamic load capacity:58000 N; outside diameter:130 mm; radial static load capacity:56000 N; overall width:22 mm; operating temperature range:-40 to 120 ºC; contact angle:25 °; cage material:Phenolic; row type & fill slot:Single-Row Non-Fill Slot; maximum rpm:15000 rpm; bore type:Round; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; precision rating:ISO Class 4; snap ring included:Without Snap Ring; fillet radius:1.1 mm; bearing material:High Carbon Chrome Steel; manufacturer product page:Click here;
R902092885 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62K02 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpMaximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Precision Ball Bearings; Pilot Pressure:0.0; Maximum rotational speed:NTN; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:N/A; Flow:31171531; Voltage:0.9; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:B04270; Moment of inertia rotary group:Open; Control Fluid Drain:ABEC 7 | ISO P4; Determining Operating Characteristics:Steel; Nominal Resistance:1 (Single); Maximum Torque:25 Degree; Pressurefree Operation:Light; Sequence Valve:1 Rib Outer Ring; Maximum Volume Flow:Phenolic; Control Pressure Measurement:Ball Bearing; Drive Speed:Universal; Rotary stiffness:Yes; Case volume:Metric; Maximum angular acceleration:Single Row | Angular Contact | High Precision | 52100 Vacuum Degassed Ball; Load Pressure:85MM Bore; 130MM Outside Diameter; 22MM Width; Open Enclosure; ABEC 7 | ISO P4 Precision; Steel Ball Material; 1; Torque:5.118 Inch | 130 Millimeter; d:3.346 Inch | 85 Millimeter; B:0.866 Inch | 22 Millimeter; bore diameter:85 mm; radial dynamic load capacity:58000 N; outside diameter:130 mm; radial static load capacity:56000 N; overall width:22 mm; operating temperature range:-40 to 120 ºC; contact angle:25 °; cage material:Phenolic; row type & fill slot:Single-Row Non-Fill Slot; maximum rpm:15000 rpm; bore type:Round; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; precision rating:ISO Class 4; snap ring included:Without Snap Ring; fillet radius:1.1 mm; bearing material:High Carbon Chrome Steel; manufacturer product page:Click here;
R902092245 A10VO140FHD/31R-PSD62K02 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpDrive Speed:Precision Ball Bearings; Maximum rotational speed:0.0; Drive Power:NTN; Weight (approx.):N/A; Rotary stiffness:31171531; Flow:0.9; Power:B04270; Determining Operating Characteristics:Open; Maximum Torque:ABEC 7 | ISO P4; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Steel; Control Fluid Drain:1 (Single); Voltage:25 Degree; Load Pressure:Light; Nominal Resistance:1 Rib Outer Ring; Maximum Volume Flow:Phenolic; Pilot Pressure:Ball Bearing; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Universal; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Yes; Case volume:Metric; Pressurefree Operation:Single Row | Angular Contact | High Precision | 52100 Vacuum Degassed Ball; Rate Of Pressure Change:85MM Bore; 130MM Outside Diameter; 22MM Width; Open Enclosure; ABEC 7 | ISO P4 Precision; Steel Ball Material; 1; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:5.118 Inch | 130 Millimeter; d:3.346 Inch | 85 Millimeter; B:0.866 Inch | 22 Millimeter; bore diameter:85 mm; radial dynamic load capacity:58000 N; outside diameter:130 mm; radial static load capacity:56000 N; overall width:22 mm; operating temperature range:-40 to 120 ºC; contact angle:25 °; cage material:Phenolic; row type & fill slot:Single-Row Non-Fill Slot; maximum rpm:15000 rpm; bore type:Round; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; precision rating:ISO Class 4; snap ring included:Without Snap Ring; fillet radius:1.1 mm; bearing material:High Carbon Chrome Steel; manufacturer product page:Click here;
R902092780 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62K01 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpFlow:Precision Ball Bearings; Voltage:0.0; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:NTN; Sequence Valve:N/A; Maximum Torque:31171531; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.9; Moment of inertia rotary group:B04270; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Open; Rotary stiffness:ABEC 7 | ISO P4; Drive Speed:Steel; Control Pressure Measurement:1 (Single); Drive Power:25 Degree; Pilot Pressure:Light; Weight (approx.):1 Rib Outer Ring; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Phenolic; Maximum Volume Flow:Ball Bearing; Power:Universal; Nominal Resistance:Yes; Load Pressure:Metric; Maximum rotational speed:Single Row | Angular Contact | High Precision | 52100 Vacuum Degassed Ball; Torque:85MM Bore; 130MM Outside Diameter; 22MM Width; Open Enclosure; ABEC 7 | ISO P4 Precision; Steel Ball Material; 1; Case volume:5.118 Inch | 130 Millimeter; d:3.346 Inch | 85 Millimeter; B:0.866 Inch | 22 Millimeter; bore diameter:85 mm; radial dynamic load capacity:58000 N; outside diameter:130 mm; radial static load capacity:56000 N; overall width:22 mm; operating temperature range:-40 to 120 ºC; contact angle:25 °; cage material:Phenolic; row type & fill slot:Single-Row Non-Fill Slot; maximum rpm:15000 rpm; bore type:Round; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; precision rating:ISO Class 4; snap ring included:Without Snap Ring; fillet radius:1.1 mm; bearing material:High Carbon Chrome Steel; manufacturer product page:Click here;
R902415491 A10VO140DFR/31R-PSD51N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpDetermining Operating Characteristics:Precision Ball Bearings; Rotary stiffness:0.0; Pilot Pressure:NTN; Drive Speed:N/A; Torque:31171531; Maximum Volume Flow:0.9; Case volume:B04270; Weight (approx.):Open; Nominal Resistance:ABEC 7 | ISO P4; Maximum rotational speed:Steel; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1 (Single); Control Pressure Measurement:25 Degree; Voltage:Light; Load Pressure:1 Rib Outer Ring; Maximum Torque:Phenolic; Maximum angular acceleration:Ball Bearing; Power:Universal; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Yes; Rate Of Pressure Change:Metric; Pressurefree Operation:Single Row | Angular Contact | High Precision | 52100 Vacuum Degassed Ball; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):85MM Bore; 130MM Outside Diameter; 22MM Width; Open Enclosure; ABEC 7 | ISO P4 Precision; Steel Ball Material; 1; Moment of inertia rotary group:5.118 Inch | 130 Millimeter; d:3.346 Inch | 85 Millimeter; B:0.866 Inch | 22 Millimeter; bore diameter:85 mm; radial dynamic load capacity:58000 N; outside diameter:130 mm; radial static load capacity:56000 N; overall width:22 mm; operating temperature range:-40 to 120 ºC; contact angle:25 °; cage material:Phenolic; row type & fill slot:Single-Row Non-Fill Slot; maximum rpm:15000 rpm; bore type:Round; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; precision rating:ISO Class 4; snap ring included:Without Snap Ring; fillet radius:1.1 mm; bearing material:High Carbon Chrome Steel; manufacturer product page:Click here;
R902018233 A10VO140DRG/31L-PSD62N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpVoltage:Precision Ball Bearings; Rate Of Pressure Change:0.0; Moment of inertia rotary group:NTN; Drive Speed:N/A; Flow:31171531; Case volume:0.9; Maximum Volume Flow:B04270; Maximum Torque:Open; Pilot Pressure:ABEC 7 | ISO P4; Power:Steel; Drive Power:1 (Single); Load Pressure:25 Degree; Nominal Resistance:Light; Rotary stiffness:1 Rib Outer Ring; Pressurefree Operation:Phenolic; Determining Operating Characteristics:Ball Bearing; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Universal; Maximum rotational speed:Yes; Control Fluid Drain:Metric; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Single Row | Angular Contact | High Precision | 52100 Vacuum Degassed Ball; Maximum angular acceleration:85MM Bore; 130MM Outside Diameter; 22MM Width; Open Enclosure; ABEC 7 | ISO P4 Precision; Steel Ball Material; 1; Control Pressure Measurement:5.118 Inch | 130 Millimeter; d:3.346 Inch | 85 Millimeter; B:0.866 Inch | 22 Millimeter; bore diameter:85 mm; radial dynamic load capacity:58000 N; outside diameter:130 mm; radial static load capacity:56000 N; overall width:22 mm; operating temperature range:-40 to 120 ºC; contact angle:25 °; cage material:Phenolic; row type & fill slot:Single-Row Non-Fill Slot; maximum rpm:15000 rpm; bore type:Round; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; precision rating:ISO Class 4; snap ring included:Without Snap Ring; fillet radius:1.1 mm; bearing material:High Carbon Chrome Steel; manufacturer product page:Click here;



R902097145 A10VO45DFR1/31L-VRC62K01-SO277 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump Video


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