Product Details

R902090909 A10VO45DFR1/31R-PSC61N00-SO52 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump

Brand Name Rexroth
Model Number R902090909 A10VO45DFR1/31R-PSC61N00-SO52
Min.Order Quantity 1 pcs
Price Negotiable

Product Features


##Parts Table 1## R902090909 A10VO45DFR1/31R-PSC61N00-SO52 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump

Seal Kit For Hyd Pump710 mm1150 mm1910 Kg15441 kN
Valve Plates190,5 mm290 mm14,2 Kg96 mm
Block Springs180 mm300 mm34,5 Kg1760 kN
Central ShaftCast IronDuplex-Back to Back4.0820.02
Swash Plate Assemblies3 mmLip703.06823MM Bore; 28MM Outside Diameter; 24MM Width; Needle Roller Bearing; Roller Assembly Only; Not Self Aligning; Retainer; Single Row of Rollers; Not Separable
Shoe Plates1130001910 Kg0.6350,37
Regulator0.0214016.93.50.20 - Round
Press Pin2.559 Inch | 65 Millimeter3.937 Inch | 100 Millimeter0.923Ball Bearing
Push Rod25 mm80 mm0.97Lubrication Fitting
Piston ShoeBearings with Housings1150 mm2170 kgf15441 kN
Pressure Plate750.0131411705286 mm
Spindle95 mm200 mm265 mm67 mm
Variable PistonWith cast iron cover/One-end sealed typeOil Seals200 mmSeal
Guide BallClear AnodizeStainless Steel Garter25 Degree0.906 Inch | 23 Millimeter


R902092780 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62K01 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpDrive Speed:2.5000 in; Voltage:Single Concentric Collar; Case volume:4.7700 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Maximum Volume Flow:6.7500 in; Nominal Resistance:Labyrnith non-contacting, non-purging seal with DuPont™ Teflon®; Torque:Four-Bolt Round; Flow:Open; Pressurefree Operation:Spherical Roller; Maximum rotational speed:Lubrication Fitting; Control Pressure Measurement:Solid Housing; Control Fluid Drain:0.6250 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Round; Moment of inertia rotary group:Powder coat; Drive Power:Heavy Duty; Power:883450041782; Weight (approx.):Cast Steel; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Click here; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:3.5900 in; Maximum Torque:19 lbs;
R902092779 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD61N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpDisplacement, geometric, per revolution:2.5000 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Single Concentric Collar; Weight (approx.):4.7700 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Flow:6.7500 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Labyrnith non-contacting, non-purging seal with DuPont™ Teflon®; Pilot Pressure:Four-Bolt Round; Rotary stiffness:Open; Control Fluid Drain:Spherical Roller; Load Pressure:Lubrication Fitting; Power:Solid Housing; Maximum angular acceleration:0.6250 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Round; Maximum Torque:Powder coat; Determining Operating Characteristics:Heavy Duty; Rate Of Pressure Change:883450041782; Drive Speed:Cast Steel; Control Pressure Measurement:Click here; Nominal Resistance:3.5900 in; Sequence Valve:19 lbs;
R902092829 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62K02-SO808 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpControl Fluid Drain:2.5000 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Single Concentric Collar; Determining Operating Characteristics:4.7700 in; Rotary stiffness:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Maximum Torque:6.7500 in; Torque:Labyrnith non-contacting, non-purging seal with DuPont™ Teflon®; Control Pressure Measurement:Four-Bolt Round; Nominal Resistance:Open; Flow:Spherical Roller; Case volume:Lubrication Fitting; Pilot Pressure:Solid Housing; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.6250 in; Maximum angular acceleration:Round; Weight (approx.):Powder coat; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Heavy Duty; Voltage:883450041782; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Cast Steel; Pressurefree Operation:Click here; Rate Of Pressure Change:3.5900 in; Maximum rotational speed:19 lbs;
R902092885 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62K02 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpMoment of inertia rotary group:2.5000 in; Weight (approx.):Single Concentric Collar; Maximum rotational speed:4.7700 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Maximum Volume Flow:6.7500 in; Case volume:Labyrnith non-contacting, non-purging seal with DuPont™ Teflon®; Torque:Four-Bolt Round; Load Pressure:Open; Power:Spherical Roller; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Lubrication Fitting; Nominal Resistance:Solid Housing; Control Pressure Measurement:0.6250 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Round; Rotary stiffness:Powder coat; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Heavy Duty; Maximum angular acceleration:883450041782; Determining Operating Characteristics:Cast Steel; Voltage:Click here; Drive Power:3.5900 in; Maximum Torque:19 lbs;
R902018233 A10VO140DRG/31L-PSD62N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpLoad Pressure:2.5000 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Single Concentric Collar; Control Pressure Measurement:4.7700 in; Sequence Valve:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Pressurefree Operation:6.7500 in; Maximum Torque:Labyrnith non-contacting, non-purging seal with DuPont™ Teflon®; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Four-Bolt Round; Case volume:Open; Maximum Volume Flow:Spherical Roller; Weight (approx.):Lubrication Fitting; Torque:Solid Housing; Voltage:0.6250 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Round; Pilot Pressure:Powder coat; Drive Speed:Heavy Duty; Flow:883450041782; Rotary stiffness:Cast Steel; Control Fluid Drain:Click here; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:3.5900 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:19 lbs;
R909611019 A10VO140DRG/31R-VSD62K17-SO808 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpControl Pressure Measurement:2.5000 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Single Concentric Collar; Torque:4.7700 in; Drive Power:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Weight (approx.):6.7500 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Labyrnith non-contacting, non-purging seal with DuPont™ Teflon®; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Four-Bolt Round; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Open; Pressurefree Operation:Spherical Roller; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Lubrication Fitting; Power:Solid Housing; Rotary stiffness:0.6250 in; Case volume:Round; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Powder coat; Drive Speed:Heavy Duty; Nominal Resistance:883450041782; Maximum rotational speed:Cast Steel; Maximum Torque:Click here; Maximum angular acceleration:3.5900 in; Pilot Pressure:19 lbs;
R902415491 A10VO140DFR/31R-PSD51N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpControl Fluid Drain:2.5000 in; Drive Power:Single Concentric Collar; Maximum angular acceleration:4.7700 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Voltage:6.7500 in; Sequence Valve:Labyrnith non-contacting, non-purging seal with DuPont™ Teflon®; Nominal Resistance:Four-Bolt Round; Power:Open; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Spherical Roller; Flow:Lubrication Fitting; Rotary stiffness:Solid Housing; Pilot Pressure:0.6250 in; Weight (approx.):Round; Moment of inertia rotary group:Powder coat; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Heavy Duty; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:883450041782; Drive Speed:Cast Steel; Determining Operating Characteristics:Click here; Rate Of Pressure Change:3.5900 in; Case volume:19 lbs;
R902092245 A10VO140FHD/31R-PSD62K02 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpRotary stiffness:2.5000 in; Maximum rotational speed:Single Concentric Collar; Pilot Pressure:4.7700 in; Power:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Control Pressure Measurement:6.7500 in; Drive Power:Labyrnith non-contacting, non-purging seal with DuPont™ Teflon®; Control Fluid Drain:Four-Bolt Round; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Open; Maximum Volume Flow:Spherical Roller; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Lubrication Fitting; Nominal Resistance:Solid Housing; Flow:0.6250 in; Load Pressure:Round; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Powder coat; Maximum angular acceleration:Heavy Duty; Pressurefree Operation:883450041782; Moment of inertia rotary group:Cast Steel; Maximum Torque:Click here; Determining Operating Characteristics:3.5900 in; Drive Speed:19 lbs;
R902092905 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpFlow:2.5000 in; Nominal Resistance:Single Concentric Collar; Pilot Pressure:4.7700 in; Maximum rotational speed:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Power:6.7500 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Labyrnith non-contacting, non-purging seal with DuPont™ Teflon®; Sequence Valve:Four-Bolt Round; Rotary stiffness:Open; Drive Power:Spherical Roller; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Lubrication Fitting; Control Fluid Drain:Solid Housing; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.6250 in; Drive Speed:Round; Load Pressure:Powder coat; Weight (approx.):Heavy Duty; Pressurefree Operation:883450041782; Control Pressure Measurement:Cast Steel; Maximum Volume Flow:Click here; Case volume:3.5900 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:19 lbs;
R902101409 A10VO140DRG/31R-VSD62N00-SO808 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpRotary stiffness:2.5000 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Single Concentric Collar; Nominal Resistance:4.7700 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:6.7500 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Labyrnith non-contacting, non-purging seal with DuPont™ Teflon®; Torque:Four-Bolt Round; Maximum rotational speed:Open; Case volume:Spherical Roller; Maximum Torque:Lubrication Fitting; Sequence Valve:Solid Housing; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.6250 in; Voltage:Round; Load Pressure:Powder coat; Pressurefree Operation:Heavy Duty; Weight (approx.):883450041782; Pilot Pressure:Cast Steel; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Click here; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):3.5900 in; Maximum angular acceleration:19 lbs;



R902090909 A10VO45DFR1/31R-PSC61N00-SO52 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump Video


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