##Parts Table 1## R902104361 A10VO45DFR1/52L-PRC12K04-SO407 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump | ||||||||
Bushing Spring | 40 mm | 68 mm | 304 Stainless Steel | 72,000 | ||||
Shoe Plates | MBPPS6 | 70MM Bore; 180MM Outside Diameter; 42MM Outer Race Diameter; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Yes Filling Slot; No Snap Ring; No Internal Special Features | 0.0 | 7.854 | ||||
Cylinder Block | 2.756 Inch | 70 Millimeter | 7.087 Inch | 180 Millimeter | 0.0 | 5.448 | ||||
Bearings | 4.438 Inch | 112.725 Millimeter | 6.25 Inch | 158.75 Millimeter | 0.0 | 18.16 | ||||
Central Shaft | 1.181 Inch | 30 Millimeter | 1.193 Inch | 30.3 Millimeter | 0.0 | 0.45 | ||||
Skeleton Oil Seal | 6.6 kN | 5.448 | 0.0 | 2.8 | ||||
Snap Ring | 1.1875 in | 2.756 Inch | 70 Millimeter | 7 Days | 1.654 Inch | 42 Millimeter | ||||
Swash Plate | Ball | MB6 | 37,5 mm | 45.5 mm | ||||
Disc Springs | Metric | Yes (with retaining ring) | 46.9 mm | Single Row | Spherical | ||||
Socket Bolt | 30,000 mm | 72,000 mm | 1.193 Inch | 30.3 Millimeter | 1.1875 in | ||||
Pressure Plate | 45 mm | 85 mm | 45 | Flanged Pilot Type | ||||
Valve Plates | 0.4 kN | 2 Bolt Pillow Block | Cast Iron - Nickel Protection | Square Type |
R902101409 A10VO140DRG/31R-VSD62N00-SO808 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump | Power:150 mm; Load Pressure:1850 RPM; Determining Operating Characteristics:270 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:Maximum of +212 °F; Drive Speed:73 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Roller Guided; Torque:Tapered 1:12; Nominal Resistance:Not Rated; Rotary stiffness:Not Split; Pilot Pressure:Vibratory Applications, Printing; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:C3; Case volume:Uncoated; Moment of inertia rotary group:Open; Control Pressure Measurement:2.874 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Lubrication Groove & Hole; Maximum rotational speed:0.098 in; Pressurefree Operation:190000 lb; Flow:222; Voltage:270000 lbs; |
R902092885 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62K02 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump | Moment of inertia rotary group:150 mm; Drive Power:1850 RPM; Nominal Resistance:270 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Maximum of +212 °F; Pilot Pressure:73 mm; Voltage:Roller Guided; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Tapered 1:12; Control Fluid Drain:Not Rated; Sequence Valve:Not Split; Pressurefree Operation:Vibratory Applications, Printing; Torque:C3; Maximum rotational speed:Uncoated; Rate Of Pressure Change:Open; Control Pressure Measurement:2.874 in; Flow:Lubrication Groove & Hole; Power:0.098 in; Weight (approx.):190000 lb; Rotary stiffness:222; Load Pressure:270000 lbs; |
R902092780 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62K01 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump | Drive Speed:150 mm; Voltage:1850 RPM; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:270 mm; Nominal Resistance:Maximum of +212 °F; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:73 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Roller Guided; Flow:Tapered 1:12; Load Pressure:Not Rated; Control Fluid Drain:Not Split; Weight (approx.):Vibratory Applications, Printing; Pressurefree Operation:C3; Pilot Pressure:Uncoated; Maximum angular acceleration:Open; Maximum rotational speed:2.874 in; Power:Lubrication Groove & Hole; Drive Power:0.098 in; Torque:190000 lb; Rate Of Pressure Change:222; Moment of inertia rotary group:270000 lbs; |
R902092829 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62K02-SO808 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump | Weight (approx.):150 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:1850 RPM; Drive Speed:270 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:Maximum of +212 °F; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:73 mm; Load Pressure:Roller Guided; Case volume:Tapered 1:12; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Not Rated; Voltage:Not Split; Determining Operating Characteristics:Vibratory Applications, Printing; Flow:C3; Sequence Valve:Uncoated; Drive Power:Open; Maximum Volume Flow:2.874 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Lubrication Groove & Hole; Pilot Pressure:0.098 in; Torque:190000 lb; Control Fluid Drain:222; Nominal Resistance:270000 lbs; |
R902092779 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD61N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump | Maximum Volume Flow:150 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1850 RPM; Power:270 mm; Maximum Torque:Maximum of +212 °F; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:73 mm; Drive Power:Roller Guided; Load Pressure:Tapered 1:12; Case volume:Not Rated; Weight (approx.):Not Split; Drive Speed:Vibratory Applications, Printing; Pressurefree Operation:C3; Maximum angular acceleration:Uncoated; Sequence Valve:Open; Nominal Resistance:2.874 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Lubrication Groove & Hole; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.098 in; Rotary stiffness:190000 lb; Maximum rotational speed:222; Determining Operating Characteristics:270000 lbs; |
R902092905 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump | Maximum Volume Flow:150 mm; Maximum rotational speed:1850 RPM; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:270 mm; Sequence Valve:Maximum of +212 °F; Rotary stiffness:73 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:Roller Guided; Maximum angular acceleration:Tapered 1:12; Moment of inertia rotary group:Not Rated; Pilot Pressure:Not Split; Torque:Vibratory Applications, Printing; Nominal Resistance:C3; Rate Of Pressure Change:Uncoated; Load Pressure:Open; Drive Speed:2.874 in; Flow:Lubrication Groove & Hole; Case volume:0.098 in; Control Pressure Measurement:190000 lb; Weight (approx.):222; Pressurefree Operation:270000 lbs; |
R902092245 A10VO140FHD/31R-PSD62K02 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump | Flow:150 mm; Drive Speed:1850 RPM; Pressurefree Operation:270 mm; Nominal Resistance:Maximum of +212 °F; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:73 mm; Pilot Pressure:Roller Guided; Power:Tapered 1:12; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Not Rated; Rotary stiffness:Not Split; Maximum Volume Flow:Vibratory Applications, Printing; Maximum angular acceleration:C3; Weight (approx.):Uncoated; Case volume:Open; Maximum rotational speed:2.874 in; Voltage:Lubrication Groove & Hole; Load Pressure:0.098 in; Drive Power:190000 lb; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:222; Rate Of Pressure Change:270000 lbs; |
R909611019 A10VO140DRG/31R-VSD62K17-SO808 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump | Power:150 mm; Torque:1850 RPM; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):270 mm; Control Fluid Drain:Maximum of +212 °F; Nominal Resistance:73 mm; Maximum Torque:Roller Guided; Maximum angular acceleration:Tapered 1:12; Weight (approx.):Not Rated; Sequence Valve:Not Split; Pressurefree Operation:Vibratory Applications, Printing; Control Pressure Measurement:C3; Determining Operating Characteristics:Uncoated; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Open; Maximum Volume Flow:2.874 in; Voltage:Lubrication Groove & Hole; Flow:0.098 in; Drive Power:190000 lb; Load Pressure:222; Rate Of Pressure Change:270000 lbs; |
R902415491 A10VO140DFR/31R-PSD51N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump | Load Pressure:150 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1850 RPM; Power:270 mm; Drive Speed:Maximum of +212 °F; Rate Of Pressure Change:73 mm; Pressurefree Operation:Roller Guided; Nominal Resistance:Tapered 1:12; Moment of inertia rotary group:Not Rated; Determining Operating Characteristics:Not Split; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Vibratory Applications, Printing; Voltage:C3; Torque:Uncoated; Pilot Pressure:Open; Case volume:2.874 in; Maximum rotational speed:Lubrication Groove & Hole; Control Fluid Drain:0.098 in; Control Pressure Measurement:190000 lb; Maximum angular acceleration:222; Maximum Torque:270000 lbs; |
R902018233 A10VO140DRG/31L-PSD62N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump | Case volume:150 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:1850 RPM; Maximum Volume Flow:270 mm; Flow:Maximum of +212 °F; Drive Power:73 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Roller Guided; Control Pressure Measurement:Tapered 1:12; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Not Rated; Maximum angular acceleration:Not Split; Pressurefree Operation:Vibratory Applications, Printing; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:C3; Rotary stiffness:Uncoated; Sequence Valve:Open; Drive Speed:2.874 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Lubrication Groove & Hole; Load Pressure:0.098 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:190000 lb; Maximum Torque:222; Voltage:270000 lbs; |
R902104361 A10VO45DFR1/52L-PRC12K04-SO407 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump Video