Product Details

R902020415 A10VO45DFR1/52L-PSC64N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump

Brand Name Rexroth
Model Number R902020415 A10VO45DFR1/52L-PSC64N00
Min.Order Quantity 1 pcs
Price Negotiable

Product Features


##Parts Table 1## R902020415 A10VO45DFR1/52L-PSC64N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump

Bearings51,054 mm93,269 mm140 mm1 Piece Solid
Swash Plate Assemblies200 mm340 mm1880 kN10 Days
Variable Piston105 mm160 mm130 kN42 mm
Swash Plate1.438 Inch | 36.525 Millimeter1.689 Inch | 42.9 Millimeter30MM Bore; Shaft Mount; 62MM Outside Diameter; 20MM Inner Race Width; 20MM Outer Race Width; 2 Seals; Polyamide Cage; Double Row of Balls; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; C3-LooseABEC 1 | ISO P0
Barrel Washer1.181 Inch | 30 Millimeter2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter1,28 Kg40
Cylinder1219,000,000 N340 mmNo
Central Shaft440 mm680 mm70 mm680 mm
Oil Distribution Disc Plug28 mm42 mm20 mm42
Shoe Piston40 mm110 mm27 mm110
Shafts170 mm240 mm28 mm240
Cylinder BlocksSingle Row | Spherical | Wide Inner Race | Has Trash Guard170x240x28Nitrile RubberNitrile Rubber


R902092905 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpPower:3.1429 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Pressurefree Operation:Labyrinth; Pilot Pressure:3926904590.US; Load Pressure:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Weight (approx.):29502-2252; Rate Of Pressure Change:-22 to 400°F; Flow:0.38 lb; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:4500 fpm; Control Fluid Drain:4.9330 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.020 in; Drive Speed:0.7500 in; Torque:Ambient;
R909611019 A10VO140DRG/31R-VSD62K17-SO808 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpDisplacement, geometric, per revolution:3.1429 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Case volume:Labyrinth; Rate Of Pressure Change:3926904590.US; Flow:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Determining Operating Characteristics:29502-2252; Control Fluid Drain:-22 to 400°F; Maximum rotational speed:0.38 lb; Maximum Volume Flow:4500 fpm; Weight (approx.):4.9330 in; Maximum angular acceleration:0.020 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:0.7500 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Ambient;
R902092829 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62K02-SO808 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpMaximum angular acceleration:3.1429 in; Maximum rotational speed:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Maximum Torque:Labyrinth; Nominal Resistance:3926904590.US; Rotary stiffness:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:29502-2252; Control Pressure Measurement:-22 to 400°F; Rate Of Pressure Change:0.38 lb; Drive Speed:4500 fpm; Control Fluid Drain:4.9330 in; Load Pressure:0.020 in; Sequence Valve:0.7500 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Ambient;
R902018233 A10VO140DRG/31L-PSD62N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpDetermining Operating Characteristics:3.1429 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Drive Power:Labyrinth; Moment of inertia rotary group:3926904590.US; Sequence Valve:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:29502-2252; Nominal Resistance:-22 to 400°F; Torque:0.38 lb; Pressurefree Operation:4500 fpm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:4.9330 in; Case volume:0.020 in; Flow:0.7500 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Ambient;
R902092245 A10VO140FHD/31R-PSD62K02 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpDetermining Operating Characteristics:3.1429 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Rate Of Pressure Change:Labyrinth; Rotary stiffness:3926904590.US; Case volume:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Maximum Volume Flow:29502-2252; Maximum angular acceleration:-22 to 400°F; Flow:0.38 lb; Power:4500 fpm; Control Fluid Drain:4.9330 in; Weight (approx.):0.020 in; Pressurefree Operation:0.7500 in; Sequence Valve:Ambient;
R902092780 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62K01 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpMaximum angular acceleration:3.1429 in; Flow:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Weight (approx.):Labyrinth; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:3926904590.US; Control Pressure Measurement:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Pressurefree Operation:29502-2252; Drive Power:-22 to 400°F; Control Fluid Drain:0.38 lb; Pilot Pressure:4500 fpm; Rotary stiffness:4.9330 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.020 in; Maximum Torque:0.7500 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Ambient;
R902101409 A10VO140DRG/31R-VSD62N00-SO808 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpMaximum Volume Flow:3.1429 in; Nominal Resistance:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Labyrinth; Pilot Pressure:3926904590.US; Load Pressure:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:29502-2252; Control Pressure Measurement:-22 to 400°F; Rate Of Pressure Change:0.38 lb; Case volume:4500 fpm; Rotary stiffness:4.9330 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.020 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:0.7500 in; Torque:Ambient;
R902415491 A10VO140DFR/31R-PSD51N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpPressurefree Operation:3.1429 in; Control Fluid Drain:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Labyrinth; Maximum Volume Flow:3926904590.US; Determining Operating Characteristics:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Maximum angular acceleration:29502-2252; Voltage:-22 to 400°F; Pilot Pressure:0.38 lb; Drive Power:4500 fpm; Case volume:4.9330 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.020 in; Rotary stiffness:0.7500 in; Drive Speed:Ambient;
R902092779 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD61N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpNominal Resistance:3.1429 in; Sequence Valve:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Labyrinth; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):3926904590.US; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Power:29502-2252; Control Fluid Drain:-22 to 400°F; Weight (approx.):0.38 lb; Determining Operating Characteristics:4500 fpm; Flow:4.9330 in; Maximum angular acceleration:0.020 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.7500 in; Drive Power:Ambient;
R902092885 A10VO140DRG/31R-PSD62K02 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston PumpPilot Pressure:3.1429 in; Power:Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary; Case volume:Labyrinth; Nominal Resistance:3926904590.US; Weight (approx.):ISO-GARD® Flanged Design, Filled PTFE Rotor and Stator, FKM O-Rings, and 0.375" FlangeISO-GARD® Flanged; Moment of inertia rotary group:29502-2252; Flow:-22 to 400°F; Sequence Valve:0.38 lb; Maximum rotational speed:4500 fpm; Load Pressure:4.9330 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.020 in; Rotary stiffness:0.7500 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Ambient;



R902020415 A10VO45DFR1/52L-PSC64N00 imported with original packaging Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump Video


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